Passing Parameters in Golang HTTP Context
When developing HTTP APIs, we may have to process the same request-specific data throughout middlewares. Since it’s a quite common pattern, I decide to figure it out and share how I solve it.
Hao-Ming Hsu (許浩鳴)
Learn by Doing.
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When developing HTTP APIs, we may have to process the same request-specific data throughout middlewares. Since it’s a quite common pattern, I decide to figure it out and share how I solve it.
這篇文章統整了我在 Golang Taipei #55 Meetup 分享的內容。
Event-driven architecture 在近幾年越來越受關注,它不僅幫助我們解耦服務組件、反轉依賴,更可提高系統的 throughput,大幅提升了擴展性。
這次主題會講解 Event-driven 的核心概念,簡介幾種常見的分佈式消息系統,並展示如何輕鬆用 Golang 實作 event-driven application,幫助大家能更快理解。